Saturday, May 10, 2008

INDIA can be World Leader by 2022

C.K Prahalad the well known management Guru in the CII(Confederation of Indian Industry ) submit has his view.

According to him India can have can achieve height in following field-:
1. India will have 30 firms in the fortune 100.
2. India will have 10 nobel laureates.
3. Have the world largest man power.
4. And can share 10% in world trade.

All these sounds rosy, But is that really possible?

The present Indian social,economic,political & educational condition will not allow us to achieve this.
The worst condition we can see in the field of Political & society.Even the Indian education system is going below to its standard.

  1. considering the first point

Currently their is not a single Indian firm in the top 100 Fortune list, How such a big figure of 30 can be achieve.
But its doesn't hides from the world the power of Indian industry,Any Indian Industry either it is IT, Steel&Iron, real state,telecom,pharama,automobiles etc are competing with other world leading industry.
The share of of Indian Industry in the economy of india has also increased.
If we see in IT sector we have leading Industry like TCS,INFOSYS,WIPRO,CTS
In Pharama we have Company like Ranbaxy,Mankind,Glenmark
and others.
we have TATA moters,Maruti,M&M like other which are showing their importance to world.
But to have 30 industries in 100 fortune is dream.......................... But we can never change in reality unless we dream

2. Considering point second

After Indian gain freedom to till now we have only 5 nobel laureates,If we include mother Teresa
the number goes to 6.
Hargovind sing and C.V Raman got nobel prize after being working in US for long years.
And presently our any Institute doesn't have good research lab.Mostly the researcher goes to US or other European country for their research.
even Amritya Sen ,VS Naipoul got their after being NRI.
Google world number one search engine was developed by Page & Brin by the help of Indian professor Rajeev Motvani who too is NRI.
So again it seem dream to be 10 Nobel laureates , But if we never dream it never come to reality.
to be continue...............................

Friday, May 9, 2008


Recently most world happening we see is the OLYMYPICS. The most prestigious event in the world.
Since from the long time some of the Olympic games held in different country was become world political issues , like Berlin Olympic of 1936 , Moscow 1980 , Los Angeles 1984, now we seeing lots boycott and politics over the Beijing 2008.

reasons of fire

Berlin 1936- This was boycotted by the allies power include US,USSR, Great Britain . All these countries are against the autocratic rule of Adolf Hitler. Hitler power was growing with high rate during that time. All these country being in fear of his power and want to crab him so lots of boycott was their against the Hitler.

Moscow 1980- This was the time of the cold war, the world was divided in two axis Socialist USSR and the Federal Republic USA, Both these country want their supremacy over the world.
So the US has boycott the Moscow 1930.

Los Angeles 1984- Now the USSR was their to oppose the US.

Beijing 2008- Here the China is itself responsible for the boycott of Olympic due to her policy over the Tibet .
China making Olympic as a shield want to show the world that Tibet is belong to them and China also want a full control over the Tibet making Olympic as way. If we see the world history Tibet which was never remain an integral part of People's Republic.China ruler form Ming Dynasty to now Communist rulers being always in try to make Tibet as their part.
Tibet has her own culture, her own way of living, A great culture of Buddhisms we see in the Tibet. But the People republic want to destroy her culture.
Olympics are the event to show the sport culture, these event should not be used to destroy the other culture or the humanity in the world.

All these issue raises make aside to the sports, The Olympic which was stated by the Great Greek Philosophers with a view in mind of healthy and prosperous world. But the world using it for their own sake.

The readers views are heartily welcome. Plz give the comments.
To read other article on Tibet & China Click the Link Below.

Present economy condition of the world.......

If we just think about few months ago,the condition of world was different.
Its not right to say that with few months condition changes.The right words to say is that the world changes every moment.But in these few months lots of economy up and down has been notify by world.
As mostly the INDIAN IT industries is US dependent and the current condition in the US economy is not better.So a kind of fear has been developed in the minds of IT sector.
But what the reason behind this slow of US economy.A reason here is given by SWAMINATHAN
His views is that black money has save indian finance sector.

->A housing boom-and-bust has engulfed the US financial sector in crisis. India, too, has experienced a runaway real estate boom, which in a few areas is going bust. The share prices of real estate companies have crashed. Yet, India has no mortgage crisis or financial sector crisis. Why not? Mainly because of the huge amount of black money in Indian real estate. This has saved the Indian financial sector in unexpected ways. Traditionally, US mortgage lenders checked the creditworthiness of borrowers, and then made the borrower pay at least 20% of the house value, loaning the remaining 80%. So, even if the price of the house dipped, it would still be higher than the bank's loan, and the borrower had an incentive to repay it. However, in recent years, US banks relaxed loan conditions to increase lending volumes and profits. They began giving loans equal to the entire value of the house, so borrowers had no personal equity stake at all. Many lenders stopped checking the creditworthiness of borrowers. Ultimately, this led to loans to persons with no documented income, job or assets. Very risky! Moreover, the US financial system created something called securitisation of home loans. Instead of retaining loans on their own books, banks chopped and bundled together thousands of loans, calling the bundle a mortgage-backed security. These securities were then sold to investors, who earned a high return provided borrowers paid regularly. In effect, banks originating home loans re-sold these, and no longer had to worry about defaults. This led, inevitably, to malpractice. Many banks offered 'teaser' loans. These initially carried very low interest rates, which re-set after a few years at much higher rates. This attracted many low-income people since the monthly installments were initially low. But when the loans re-set higher, some poor borrowers could not repay. The bank originating the loan was unconcerned, having already sold the loan. In this way, US home lending — and prices — shot up. As long as the economy and housing market were sunny, borrowers paid installments regularly. But eventually housing prices peaked, and then fell. Many owners with loans covering 100% of home cost now found that their homes were worth less than their outstanding loans. So, many borrowers opted to give up the property and rid themselves of the accompanying bank loan. They simply posted the home keys back to the banks. US banks now face borrowers who can't pay for want of income, plus those who won't pay for properties worth less than the accompanying debt. Mortgage-backed securities are falling in value as underlying defaults rise. The fall in value was initially estimated at $100 billion, is now estimated at $600 billion, and will exceed a trillion dollars if home prices keep falling (as seems likely). This has inflicted huge losses on holders of the mortgage-backed securities, including the biggest banks in the world — Citibank and Bank of America. Many holders of these securities — such as investment bank Bear Stearns — will die or be forced to merge with more solvent entities. Why does this not happen in India? Here, too, banks have increased lending aggressively for housing in the last five years. Here too, many banks finance the entire house value. But Indian borrowers do not walk away from their homes — and loans — if prices dip. This is because a large proportion, often half, of almost all home purchases is paid in black money. If a house is sold for Rs 100 lakh, the official registered value will typically be only Rs 50 lakh, with the balance paid under the table in cash. A bank may loan Rs 50 lakh, covering the entire formal price. However, the owner's contribution is not zero: he has paid Rs 50 lakh in black. To preserve that black investment, he will keep paying his installments even if house prices dip. US banks give non-recourse loans — that is, the loan is secured only by the mortgaged property, and the borrower becomes debt-free if he returns the property. This is not so in Europe, where the borrower remains personally liable even after returning the mortgaged property, so the bank can seize his other assets. This discourages default. Hence, European banks are not suffering the way US ones are. Ditto for Indian banks. When economic conditions get tough, defaults go up. In the last year, defaults have risen in Indian real estate, but mainly on account of commercial builders. The default rate remains modest for home-owners. Now, the Indian legal system is so slow that borrowers have little fear of even their mortgaged homes being seized, let alone other assets. Yet, they do not default, and India's financial system remains strong. The reason is that banks enjoy, without asking for it, a huge safety margin provided by the black money invested by every home owner. To preserve this black investment, borrowers will do their level best not to default and lose their property. Ironically, black money enforces loan discipline in India, far more effectively than formal contracts or legal processes.